

روان-مکان در امضاهای روی کتیبه‌ها: معانی صریح و تلویحات متن در هنر دوره صفوی| سخنرانی مجازی مهرو موسوی

The Psycho-Architectonics of the Imz‌a‌ Inscriptions: Denotations and Connotations of Text in the Arts of the Safavids

By working between the two media of art and literature, this paper challenges some manners by which the textually infused arts of the early modern Iran have been conventionally perceived. While through the inherited discourse of Western art history, the inscription or epigraph is an appurtenance of the object’s visual and thematic language or is, on some occasions, reduced to a purely scientific and palaeographic element, this paper suggests an alternate discourse that extends the significance of such texts, especially the imżā [signature] inscriptions, beyond the normative, emphasising their particular agency as possible strategic ‘interventions’ envisioned and adopted by the artist, architect, or the patron.

Tracing its earlier roots in the increasing use and thematic specificities of text in the artistic productions of the Persianate societies from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries onwards, this paper aims to open the current methodologies and understandings of the arts of the Safavids (1501-1722 AD) to a rereading. It does so by engaging with the ‘signature inscriptions’ as systematic architectonic design strategies that constantly de and re construct the object/space and the inter-woven micro politico-cultural context around it through activating the emotive-cognitive recipients of the user. By focusing on a number of cases such as the early seventeenth century mosque of Luṭfullāh in Isfahan and the mid-sixteenth century Sultan Ibrāhīm Mīrzā’s manuscript of Haft Awrang of Jāmī, this study shows how the application of text in the arts of early modern Iran operates as a mechanism through which the boundaries between different branches of art and knowledge may blur, making space for the reception and perception of art as an abstruse apparatus that functions through the layers of connotations of Persian psyche, language and literature.

- سخنران: مهرو موسوی

- میزبان: مؤسسۀ هنر کورتالد

- زمان: ۳ مارس ۲۰۲۲| ۱۲ اسفند ۱۴۰۰

- برای اطلاعات بیشتر و ثبت نام در این سخنرانی به پیوند زیر مراجعه کنید: https://courtauld.ac.uk/whats-on/imza/

اشتراک مطلب
لینک کوتاه
مطالب مرتبط
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