

برگزاری گفتگوی مجازی با دیوید مکوئلی، تصویرگر و قصه‌نویسِ معماری

▫️A Conversation with David Macauley: Illustrator of and for the Ages

Award-winning author David Macaulay sits down in conversation with CHSA’s Brian Bowen to discuss his process and examine his elegantly illustrated books laced with wry humor. Macaulay’s architect-trained eye not only shows the reader how things are made but conveys complex technical information as to how and why they function. Macaulay’s Building Series includes Castle, Cathedral, City, Pyramid, Underground, Unbuilding, Mill, Ship, Mosque and his latest publication Crossing on Time: Steam Engines, Fast Ships and a Journey to the New World.


برگزاری گفتگوی مجازی با دیوید مکوئلی، تصویرگر و قصه‌نویسِ معماری

میزبان: انجمنِ تاریخِ ساختمان

زمان:  ۱۷ سپتامبر ۲۰۲۱|  ۲۶ شهریور ۱۴۰۰

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