

اردوی زرین: هنر، فرهنگ مادی و معماری | برگزاری همایش

The Golden Horde: Art, Material Culture, and Architecture

For a period of almost 250 years, the Golden Horde, a nomadic regime with origins in the Mongol Empire, controlled a vast territory from the Danube in the west to beyond the Ural mountains in the east. This expansive area, almost a quarter of the known world, contained some of the most innovative art, architecture, and material culture ever produced. Controlling the territory which bridges Europe, East Asia and South Asia, the art created in this region, whether architecture, textile, metalwork, ceramic, or painting, was, as this project will exemplify, the result of one of the most exciting periods of artistic exchange in the history of the world. This conference aims to precipitate a long-overdue awareness of this unique moment in the history of art.


برنامهٔ سخنرانی‌های همایش:


– Science of the Mongol Past in Northern Mongolia|Alicia Ventresca Miller
– Relics and Mongol religiosity in the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate|Jonathan Brack
- ​​Multilingualism in the Golden Horde|Qiao Yang
– Understanding the Golden Horde Through its Material Culture: Five Key Objects|Marie Favereau-Doumenjou
– From Confrontation to Coexistence: Diplomatic, Missionary, and Trade Relations of the Latin West with the Golden Horde|Roman Hautala
-The Novgorod Republic in the Northern Connections of the Golden Horde: Communicating Natural Knowledge via the River Route 'From the Varangians to the Greeks'|Maria Avxentevskaya
– The Evidence of the Earth: Ceramics in the Western Khanates|Margaret Graves
-Metalworking the Golden Horde|Ittai Weinryb
– Glassing the Golden Horde|Tanja Tolar
– Spatial Representation in Yuan Dynasty Tombs|Aurelia Campbell
– Architectural Culture of the Golden Horde in Crimea and Beyond: Some Perspectives|Nicole Kançal-Ferrari
– Russian Imperial and Soviet Perspectives on the Architectural Heritage of the Golden Horde|Igor Demchenko
– The “Imperial Itinerance” of the Golden Horde|Yoichi Isahaya
– Manuscript Production and the Golden Horde|Meekyung MacMurdie
– Jochid Numismatics|Ishayahu Landa
– Dragons in the North: Imperial Motifs for Regional Elites along the Siberian Frontier of the Mongol Empire|Bryan Miller
– Textiles and Dress of the Golden Horde|Eiren Shea
– Methodologies of Late Byzantine, Mamluk, and Golden Horde Jewelry: Current Debates, New Directions|Elizabeth Williams
- Golden Horde Remains and Architecture and Urbanism in the Mongol Appanage| Nancy Steinhardt


میزبان: موسسهٔ مکس پلانک در تاریخ علم
زمان برگزاری همایش: ۷-۸ دسامبر ۲۰۲۳| ۱۶-۱۷ آذر ۱۴۰۲

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