

پژوهش و انتشار اطلاعات یافتگاه در حوزه‌ٔ هنر اسلامی | برگزاری همایش

Researching and Publishing Provenance Information for Islamic Art
Moderator: Elizabeth Dospěl Williams
Panelists: Inês Fialho Brandão, Martina Rugiadi and Anne Dunn-Vaturi, Amanda Phillips, and Eiren Shea

Provenance research is a specialized skill usually gained through firsthand experience in museum collections and archives, yet its findings have legal, ethical, and scholarly implications well beyond the institutions where such work is generally carried out, including topics related to teaching, art historical research, and cultural property. Provenance research and publishing is, furthermore, a rapidly developing field, meaning that its contours can be intimidating to those not regularly working in this discipline.

This workshop is envisioned as an introduction to researching and publishing the provenance histories of art from the Middle East and Central Asia. While it is intended as a basic account of resources and best practices for those not in museum settings, its focus on future directions means it can also serve as a point of discussion for those already specialized in these fields.

After a brief overall introduction, the workshop will offer three concurrent Zoom Room panels addressing topics including the state of the field for provenance research on Islamic art, important resources for Islamic art provenance research, and emerging best practices for publishing provenance research.


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