– فهرست مطالب این شماره:
▫️Reconstructing the Sacred Experience at the Sanctuary of Hekate at Lagina| Amanda Herring
▫️One and Many: Parish Church Planning in Late Medieval England| Zachary Stewart
▫️Thought Patterns in the Space of an Eighteenth-Century French Curiosity Cabinet| Lauren R. Cannady
▫️Houston Is Almost All Right: Postmodernism on the Texas Gulf Coast| Kathryn E. O'Rourke
▫️Architecture, Islam, and Identity in West Africa: Lessons from Larabanga, by Michelle Apotsos| Reviewed by Ashley Miller
▫️The Architecture of Banking in Renaissance Italy: Constructing the Spaces of Money, by Lauren Jacobi| Reviewed by Sergio Tognetti
▫️Dessiner pour bâtir: Le métier d'architecte au XVIIe siècle, by Alexandre Cojannot and Alexandre Gady| Reviewed by Émilie D'Orgeix
▫️Climate Change and the Art of Devotion: Geoaesthetics in the Land of Krishna, 1550–1850, by Sugata Ray|Reviewed by Purnima Dhavan
▫️Building Washington: Engineering and Construction of the New Federal City, 1790–1840, by Robert J. Kapsch| Reviewed by Tom F. Peters
▫️The World the Trains Made: A Century of Great Railroad Architecture in the United States and Canada, by James D. Dilts| Reviewed by Kurt Schlichting
▫️Wright on Exhibit: Frank Lloyd Wright's Architectural Exhibitions, by Kathryn Smith, and Frank Lloyd Wright: Unpacking the Archive, edited by Barry Bergdoll and Jennifer Gray| Joseph M. Siry
▫️Frauen blicken auf die Stadt: Architektinnen, Planerinnen, Reformerinnen, edited by Katia Frey and Eliana Perotti| Mechtild Widrich
▫️Brokers of Modernity: East Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910–1950, by Martin Kohlrausch|Christina E. Crawford
▫️X-Ray Architecture, by Beatriz Colomina| Jiat-Hwee Chang
▫️Complexity and Contradiction at Fifty: On Robert Venturi's “Gentle Manifesto”, by Martino Stierli and David B. Brownlee| Léa-Catherine Szacka
▫️Corridors: Passages of Modernity, by Roger Luckhurst|Daniel M. Abramson
▫️An Anatomy of Influence, by Thomas Daniell|Lisa Hsieh
– اطلاعات بیشتر:
«مسجد سنجیدهی قزوین: کارکرد و زمان ساخت» | لیلا قاسمی، زهره تفضلی
اسطوره و اسطورهشناسی نزد ژرژ فردریش کروزر | نخستین نشست از سلسله نشستهای سهراب
ایرانشناسی در قلمرو زبان آلمانی (دو گزارش تاریخی) | رودیگر اشمیت، مانفرد لورنتس
تاریخ هنر و نهادهایش: بنیادهای یک رشته (۱) | پارهای دیگر از کتابنگاشت توضیحی نظریههای تاریخ معماری و هنر
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