

میراث ناملموس، شهر و جماعت: در مسیر راه ابریشم و ورای آن | فراخوان ارسال چکیده برای چهارمین همایش بین‌المللی شهرهای ابریشم

The Fourth Silk Cities International Conference
Intangible Heritage, Cities and Communities: along the Silk Roads and beyond
Tunis, Tunisia, 4 - 6 March 2024


This peer-reviewed conference aims to bring together global knowledge on conceptualising intangible heritage as an urban phenomenon. Traditions and cultural expressions do not happen in isolation, instead they are conditioned by both socio-cultural and urban spatiality. Therefore, this Fourth International Silk Cities Conference will foster international dialogues between multiple disciplines related to urban studies, art and humanities, social science as well as disaster management, heritage and migration studies. It will be open to scholars, practitioners, international organisations, and policy makers.

The Conference will explore dynamics of intangible heritage interactions with space, day to day life, and the built environment. It seeks to bring together global knowledge rooted in local diversity on relations between intangible heritage as integral parts of urban culture and spatiality of cities. The concept of intangible heritage is underexplored, yet inherently intertwined with urban life. The aim is to unpack links between space, community, time and heritages in cities in normal as well as disrupted circumstances to gain a better understanding of this multifaceted concept. Even in cities facing disasters, an emerging notion is the value of intangible heritage in recovering from natural incidents, wars, and revolutions.
The Conference seeks to offer new perspectives and strategies towards a better understanding of urban intangible heritage and to push the traditional theoretical and practical boundaries by applying a holistic approach towards integrating potentials of intangible heritage to inform urban policies and practices as well as the arts and humanities. Ultimately intangible heritage is envisaged as tools for sustainable development and resilience.

محورهای همایش:

Proposals for papers and non-paper 15 minutes presentations are invited under the following themes:

Cultural expressions of diverse communities
Dimensions of urban experience
Urban economy, temporal activities and everyday life
Intangible heritage, disaster management and and resilience to disasters and disruptions
Urban governance, policies, instruments, and practices
Social mobilisation, future memories, and right to the city
Sustainable tourism, heritage, and local identity
Partnerships, cooperations, and participatory practices.

مهلت ارسال چکیده: ۱۲ نوامبر ۲۰۲۳| ۶ آبان ۱۴۰۲
زمان برگزاری همایش: ۴-۶ مارس ۲۰۲۴

اطلاعات بیشتر و ارسال چکیده:



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