در این شماره:
- How the Visual is Spatial: Contemporary Spatial History, Neo‐Marxism, And The Ghost Of Braudel
by William Rankin
-The Origins Of Racism: A Critique of the History of Ideas
by Vanita Seth
▪️Forum: Decolonizing Histories in Theory and Practice
- Decolonizing Histories In Theory And Practice: An Introduction
by Warwick Anderson
- Some Keywords Toward Decolonial Methods: Studying Settler Colonial Histories and Environmental Violence From Tkaronto
by Michelle Murphy
- From Environmental Case Study To Environmental Kin Study
by Anja Kanngieser, Zoe Todd
- Technopolitics In The Archive: Sovereignty, Research, and Everyday Life
by Tom Özden‐Schilling
- “Related” Histories: On Epistemic and Reparative Decolonization
by Timothy Neale, Emma Kowal
- From Decolonial Indigenous Knowledges to Vernacular Ideas in Southeast Asia
by Juno Salazar Parraeas
- Toward a Genealogy of the Researcher as Subject in Post/Decolonial Pacific Histories
by Miranda Johnson
- Finding Decolonial Metaphors in Postcolonial Histories
by Warwick Anderson
- Moving From, and Beyond, Invented Categories: Afterwords
by Gabriela Soto Laveaga
- Review: How To Reinvent the Future?
by Marek Tamm
- Review: Wonder: From Poetics To Politics
by Jaume Aurell
- Review: History Painting and Its Changing Subjects
by David Carrier
- Review: Intellectual History Confronts the Longue Duree
by Suzanne Marchand
- Review: History Writing Without Closure
by Maria Grever
– فهرست کامل این شماره و چکیدۀ مقالات:
تاریخ هنر و نهادهایش: بنیادهای یک رشته (۱) | پارهای دیگر از کتابنگاشت توضیحی نظریههای تاریخ معماری و هنر
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همایش ملی تاریخ، فرهنگ و هنر قزوین | انجمن ایرانی تاریخ شعبهی قزوین
تاریخ معماری چیست؟(۳) | پارهای دیگر از کتابنگاشت توضیحی نظریههای تاریخ معماری و هنر
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