

برگزاری همایش «بسط تاریخ‌نگاشت هنر اسلامی: نمایشگاه جهانی سال ۱۸۷۳ در وین»

فهرست نشست‌ها و سخنرانی‌های همایش:

▪️NOV 18, 2021

- Finbarr Barry Flood

Circa 1873: Orientalism, Modernity and the Invention of the Bilderverbot

▪️NOV 19, 2021

▫️Welcome & Introduction

Sebastian Schütze, Lioba Theis, Markus Ritter

▫️Concepturalizing Islamic Art in Late Nineteenth-Century Art Historiography

- Eva-Maria Troelenberg

'Purely Artistic Criteria'? On Islamic Art Historiography and its Categories in Alois Riegl's Art History

- Iván Szántó 

Vienna 1873 - Budapest 1896: Two decades of developing 'Islamic art' in Hungarian scholarship

▫️Exhibiting and Categorizing Islamic Art in the Fair (Sabiha Göloğlu)

- Nilay Özlü 

The Sultan's Treasury in Vienna: Ottoman Presence at the 1873 Vienna World's Fair

- Mercedes Volait

Spolia in se at the Fair, 1867-1889: A Channel for Islamic Reuse in Nineteenth-Century Architecture and Furniture?

- Nancy Demerash-Fatemi

The Scramble of North Africa: Geopolitics, 'Bedouin Style' and Islamic Art at the Tunisian and Moroccan Exhibits of the 1873 Wiener Weltausstellung

▫️Mediating Art Through Photography (Yuka Kadoi)

- Franziska Niemand 

Architecture through the Lens of the Vienna Photographers Association: A Case Study of Glass Plaster Windows at the Egyptian and Ottoman Pavilions

- Erin Hyde Nolan 

Expanding Photographic Authorship: The Remaking of the Elbise-i Osmaniyye After 1873

▫️Staging Art in 'Oriental' Historicism and Self-Representation (Lukas Nickel)

- Ahmet Ersoy

The Unsullied and the Bastard: Ottoman Things at the Prater

- Maryam Heydardhani

Mirroring Persia's Aura in Vienna's World Fair: Tracing Agents, Planners and Architectural Features in the Pavilion of Iran

- Ahmed Wahby 

An Opera House in Cairo and a Mamluk Pavilion in Vienna: Egypt's Architectury Duality towards the End of the Nineteenth Century

▪️NOV 20, 2021

▫️Commercial Trajectories for Collecting and Studying Islamic Art (Kerstin Jobst)

- Elahe Helbig 

Collecting, Exhibiting, and Mediating Arts and Textiles from 'Persia': The Ziegler & Co. and its Role at the Vienna World's Fair

- Barbara Karl 

Symmetric / Asymmetric: Economics and Scholarship in the Context of the Carpet Exhibition at the k.k. Handelsmuseum

▫️Islamic Art as a Model: Reception and Study in European Art Industries and Arts 

- Gwendolyn Collaço 

Commemorating Triumph at the 1873 World's Fair in Mamluk-Revival Glass

- Ibolya Gerelyes

'Saracen' Influences on the Products of the Zsolnay Ceramic Factory, Pécs

- Mirjam Rajner

Maurycy Gottlieb at the 1873 Vienna World's Fair: A Polish Jewish Artist in Search of an Oriental Identity

▫️Disseminating the Fair's 'Orient' (Yavuz Köse)

- Ceren Göğüş 

The Re-Representation of the Orient: An Inspection of Austrian Printed Press During the 1873 Vienna World's Fair

- Federica Broilo

Arabian Nights on the Danube: The Ottoman Empire at the 1873 Vienna World's Fair in the Words of the Italian Press

▫️Reception of Egyptian Islamic Architecture in Austro-Hungarian Historicism (Andreas Nierhaus)

- Maximilian Hartmuth

World's Fairs as Stages and Instruments of Artistic Dissemination, Taste-Making, and Network-Building across the Christian-Muslim Divide

- Elke Pflugradt-Abdel Aziz 

Works of Carl von Diebitsch as Part of the Franz Schmoranz Jr Legacy with Focus on the 'Egyptische Baugruppe' at the 1873 Vienna World's Fair

- Péter T. Nagy 

Beyond the Khedive's Palace: Neo-Mamluk Architecture in Late Nineteenth-Century Budapest


اطلاعات بیشتر دربارۀ همایش: https://eiah1873.univie.ac.at/

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تاریخ هنر و نهادهایش: بنیادهای یک رشته (۱) | پاره‌ای دیگر از کتاب‌نگاشت توضیحی نظریه‌های تاریخ معماری و هنر
مهرداد قیومی بیدهندی
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مهرداد قیومی بیدهندی
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