نشریۀ انجمن مورخان معماری نشریهای انگلیسی زبان دربارهٔ تاریخ محیط مصنوع است. در هر شماره چهار یا پنج مقاله، که ممکن است به هر دورهٔ زمانی و هر پارهای از جهان مرتبط باشد، مرور کتابهای تازه منتشر شده، نمایشگاهها، فیلمها، دیگر رسانهها و همچنین سرمقالهها و جستارهایی که برای قرار دادن رشتهٔ تاریخ معماری در یک زمینهی بزرگتر فکری تهیه شده است عرضه میشود.
- فهرست مطالب این شماره:
▫️Constructing Race and Architecture 1400–1800, Part 1|
▫️Practicing Architecture under the Bamboo Ceiling: The Life and Work of Iwahiko Tsumanuma (Thomas S. Rockrise), 1878–1936|GAIL DUBROW
▫️“Giving to the World a Demonstration”: U.S. Housing Aid to Greece, 1947–51| KONSTANTINA KALFA
▫️Beyond the National Art Schools: Thin-Tile Vaulting in Cuba after the Revolution| M. WESAM AL ASALI, DANIA GONZÁLEZ COURET, AND MICHAEL H. RAMAGE
▫️Roman Architecture and Urbanism: From the Origins to Late Antiquity, by Fikret Yegül and Diane Favro| REVIEWED BY RABUN TAYLOR
▫️Architecture of the Islamic West: North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, 700–1800, by Jonathan M. Bloom|REVIEWED BY ABIGAIL KRASNER BALBALE
▫️Framing the Church: The Social and Artistic Power of Buttresses in French Gothic Architecture, by Maile S. Hutterer|REVIEWED BY TOM NICKSON
▫️Emulating Antiquity: Renaissance Buildings from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo, by David Hemsoll|REVIEWED BY IAN CAMPBELL
▫️Piranesi Unbound, by Carolyn Yerkes and Heather Hyde Minor| REVIEWED BY JOSEPH CONNORS
▫️Rise of the Modern Hospital: An Architectural History of Health and Healing, 1870–1940, by Jeanne Kisacky| REVIEWED BY DAVID THEODORE
▫️Art Deco Chicago: Designing Modern America, edited by Robert Bruegmann|REVIEWED BY MARY N. WOODS
▫️O’Neil Ford on Architecture, O’Neil Ford, edited by Kathryn E. O'Rourke|REVIEWED BY MARC TREIB
▫️Elizabeth Scheu Close: A Life in Modern Architecture, by Jane King Hession, and Powerhouse: The Life and Work of Judith Chafee, by Christopher Domin and Kathryn McGuire|REVIEWED BY SARAH ALLABACK
▫️Race and Modern Architecture: A Critical History from the Enlightenment to the Present, edited by Irene Cheng, Charles L. Davis II, and Mabel O. Wilson| REVIEWED BY MAURA LUCKING
▫️Cold War and Architecture: The Competing Forces That Reshaped Austria after 1945, by Monika Platzer|REVIEWED BY CHRISTOPHER LONG
▫️Israel as a Modern Architectural Experimental Lab, 1948–1978, edited by Inbal Ben-Asher Gitler and Anat Geva|REVIEWED BY NOAM SHOKED
▫️The Metabolist Imagination: Visions of the City in Postwar Japanese Architecture and Science Fiction, by William O. Gardner| REVIEWED BY ZHONGJIE LIN
▫️The Architectural Model: Histories of the Miniature and the Prototype, the Exemplar and the Muse, by Matthew Mindrup| REVIEWED BY JORDAN KAUFFMAN
- اطلاعات بیشتر و ملاحظۀ چکیدۀ مقالات: https://online.ucpress.edu/jsah/issue/80/3
پژوهش و انتشار اطلاعات یافتگاه در حوزهٔ هنر اسلامی | برگزاری همایش
امکان عضویت رایگان در انجمن مورخان معماری اسلامی (HIAA) تا ماه نوامبر
بیتأثیری ضریب تأثیر در ارزیابی پژوهشهای هنر و علوم انسانی
سیدمجید میرنظامی
نشریۀ انجمن مورخان معماری| Volume 80|Issue 2|2021
وبگاه تاریخپژوهی و نظریهپژوهی معماری و هنر